The Limited Qualified Investor Fund – Part 1 "Key features"

29 février 2024 OA-VIGNETTE-306px-72dpi-29.jpg

Exciting news: The regulatory framework for the establishment of a Limited Qualified Investor Fund (L-QIF) will come into force on March 1, 2024!

This new type of collective investment scheme presents the advantage of having highly flexible investment rules and not being subject to authorization by FINMA.

The competitiveness of the Swiss collective investment schemes’ market should be improved given the L-QIF’s reduced set-up costs and time-to-market.

In order to understand the key features of the L-QIF and the opportunities it offers, OBERSON ABELS presents a three-part short video series. Join us for the release of the first short video, « Key features, » available today (below). Stay tuned for the upcoming release of « Other Points of Attention » (March 4) and « Use cases » (March 6).