Alexandra Telychko
OBERSON ABELS SA, Geneva, Associate
Bär & Karrer SA, Geneva, Associate (01.2024-10.2024)
University of Geneva, Geneva, Research and teaching assistant (2021-2023)
University of Geneva, Geneva, Deputy Legal Adviser to the RIO Appeals and Objections Committee (2019-2023)
LALIVE SA, Geneva, Trainee lawyer (2019-2021)
University of Geneva, Geneva, Research and teaching assistant (2017-2019)
Fondation Vidrodgenia, Geneva, Director (2014-2021)
University of Geneva, Research and teaching assistant (2015-2016)
Fondation Vidrodgenia, Geneva, Assistant to the President of the Foundation and the Honorary Consul of Ukraine (2013-2014)
Lakshmikumaran & Sridharan, Geneva, Summer intern (2016)
Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the WTO, Geneva, Intern (2015)
Offices of the Attorney General and Public Defender (Criminal Division), Bakersfield (CA, USA), Trainee (2013)
Tudela & Associés, Lyon, Summer intern (2012)
University of Geneva (PhD in competition law, in progress)
Bar exam, Geneva (2021)
University of Geneva (Certificate of Specialisation in Legal Matters, 2019)
University of Geneva (Bachelor in Law, 2017)
University of Geneva (Master in Business law, 2015)
Université Jean Moulin Lyon III (Master 1 in European Law, 2013)
Université Jean Moulin Lyon III (Licence en droit, 2012)
French, English, Russianm Ukranian, Italian
Geneva Bar Association
International League of Competition Law (LIDC)
Swiss Competition Law Association (ASAS)
Swiss Federation of Lawyers (SAV/FSA)
Women's White Collar Defence Association (WWCDA)
Admitted to the Swiss Bar and to all Swiss Courts
Banking and commercial litigation
Banking and finance law
Competition law
Data protection law
Contract law
Administrative and tax criminal law
Business criminal law
Internal investigations, regulation and compliance
Mergers and acquisitions
Administrative proceedings
Recovery, sequestration and exequatur